Help a Loved One

Drug Treatment in Utah
Get Them the Help That They Need

We’re here to help with the process

Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Supporting patients of drug and alcohol addictions Outdoors in Southern Utah Hiking

What we offer

  • Residential Treatment
  • Adventure Based Counseling
  • Group Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • 12 Step philosophy
  • Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

How To Approach Someone About Getting Help

Helping someone who has an addiction problem with drugs is never an easy proposition. You can ask a person to get help and support them while they go through recovery, but remember you cannot force them to do anything they really don’t want to do.


If you feel your loved one may be ready for drug treatment in Utah, try the suggestions below. You will probably want to enlist the help of other trusted friends or family members. If you feel you need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us at Lion’s Gate Recovery.

Start The Conversation

The best way to conduct this initial talk is in an environment which will be perceived by the individual as non-threatening, and at least somewhat comfortable. It is very important during this discussion for you to maintain a non-accusatory attitude, assuring the user that your concern is for his well-being, and that you want to help them overcome the problem.


It is usually helpful to refer to specific incidents of behavior that have caused you concern, and motivated you to reach out with your offer of assistance, so the user can understand that your fears are well-grounded.


The aim of this initial discussion is to gauge the addict’s willingness to receive help, and possibly undergo drug treatment in Utah.


If it turns out that the addict grows defensive and completely rejects your offer of help, it will generally be counter-productive to press the point and try to change his mind right on the spot. Instead, let some time go by, and bring up the idea again at a favorable moment, because by allowing the user time to think about what was said at the first discussion, he or she may undergo a change of heart on his or her own, recognizing the truth of it.


If your loved one’s response is still strongly negative, it may be time to enlist the aid of other friends and family members. While the user might have been able to dismiss the concerns of a single individual, the weight of concern from a group of people close to them or her is not so easily ignored.

Staging An Intervention

The main thing to remember about staging intervention is that it can only achieve the desired result if it is ultimately accepted by the addict. This means that no drastic measures should be taken during the intervention, and no attempts to force it upon them should be carried out, because that may achieve the opposite effect of what you really want.


The setting for an intervention should be similar to that of the initial discussion, and for the same reason – you want the addict to feel as comfortable as possible, and as safe as possible. This might be the user’s own house, or the home of a close friend or relative.


While it may be difficult to secure the cooperation of a number of family members and friends at a specific date and time, the urgency of the problem should be recognized by all, and the need for extraordinary measures should be understood.


One thing to keep in mind about the intervention is that if it should abruptly go sour and cause the user to flee, no forcible attempt should be made to prevent that. Everyone who participates in the intervention should have time to convey their feelings to the user, so he or she can fully understand that all those people around them recognize there is a problem which needs to be dealt with.


If it’s at all possible, you should try and have a drug counselor or a qualified health expert on hand to chime in with facts when appropriate, so the user will realize that the session is more than just an exchange of opinions.


During the intervention, have participants explain to the user details they have observed in his behavior, and how it has impacted them.


A genuine expression of concern would also be worthwhile because it might help to convince the user that he or she is loved, and that those who care about them truly want to see them recover.


When everyone has had a chance to speak, ask the addict if he or she is willing to undergo drug treatment in Utah to overcome the problem, and explain that rehabilitation can start immediately by going to a local treatment center. If your loved one needs some time to think about it, allow a day or two to go by before bringing the idea up again, but don’t just let it drop.


If the user is completely unreceptive to the idea of rehabilitation, there is no good alternative but to end the session and allow them to leave.

During The Recovery Period

If your loved one does decide to enter drug treatment in Utah, it’s essential during the recovery period that family and friends continue to support them through this difficult time. If they ever reach the point where they feel like they’re doing everything alone, it will become very easy to drop out of the program and resume old habits.


On the other hand, if they’re supported regularly and understand that help is always available, there’s a much stronger motivation to continue with the rehabilitation and see it through. If the program involves staying away from home at an inpatient facility for a while, make sure to visit, and to call or send care packages (after checking with the rehab staff), so there are visible signs of your support and caring.


If family days and get-togethers are allowed at the treatment center, try to arrange for friends and relatives to gather when possible to demonstrate ongoing support. The main thing to realize about a recovery program is that it isn’t going to be successful just because you’ve convinced the addict to enroll and go through the program. You have to convince the addict that you are willing to be part of their recovery process, and extend your support as needed until they have achieved success.


The treatment program itself is of course extremely important to the addict’s recovery, but the involvement and support of loved ones is just as important. In many cases treatment alone is not successful, but a person who has a healthy support network is much more likely to stick with the positive changes in their life.

Managing Expectations

Ultimately, the success or failure of any recovery program will depend on the addict and their motivation to get better. You can be the most helpful, supportive person in the world, but if your loved one is not truly willing to beat their addiction, it just won’t happen.


There are times when no amount of intervention or support will help the user see the true nature of their problem, and they simply has to hit rock bottom before understanding that. When they finally see the light of day, and take those first few steps toward coming back to a more healthy, productive lifestyle, Lion’s Gate Recovery drug treatment in Utah will be here to help. Whichever of these categories your loved one falls into, you’ll have to gauge your level of involvement carefully, and eventually to understand when it’s time to just let them stand on their own two feet.


If your loved one truly wants to try and recover, as mentioned above, you should provide as much support and care as you can manage, without it taking it to the point of micromanagement and involving yourself excessively. It’s important to allow the treatment program to work and become effective, and part of that program stresses the need for the user to become responsible for their own actions, and accountable to them self and to others.


When your loved one with a drug problem realizes this, and commits to taking responsibility for their life, a full recovery will be much more likely. And remember, the caring and compassionate staff at Lion’s Gate Recovery is always here to help.