Social Recovery

People put hands in a circle.

As human beings, we are all social creatures. We need empathy and connection, in order to achieve fulfillment and become the best people we can be. By nature of the way that addiction is, it needs alienation to operate. Addiction works to alienate you from your friends, your family, and your loved ones so that the only solace you can find is in the arms of substance abuse. Because of this fact, the social aspects of recovery are something that cannot be ignored…

Benefits of social support during recovery

  • Helps recovering addicts feel like they belong to something greater than themselves
  • Prevents feelings of alienation and permeating loneliness from affecting treatment
  • Adds security to the recovery process
  • Helps recovering addicts see beyond themselves and puts their battles in context
  • Promotes a culture of openness
  • Helps addicts feel like their journey towards has a purpose

Culture of recovery

One aspect of what we provide is a community that is built around recovery. Our program is built around group therapy sessions, as well as individual counseling to help addicts get to the root of their personal journeys. Through the techniques of our therapy team, we hope to help addicts develop the social and life skills that they need to achieve lasting recovery. Through this culture of recovery, the social development at Talbot Rehab helps our patients reconnect with their families.

Goals of social support

Many recovery programs, especially ones that are faith-based and built around the 12-step model, depend on a social network of support. Because of how important social support is in the recovery process, it is crucial to consider the goals that a social support group should work towards. Here are some important goals that you should have with a social support group in recovery:

  • Building the self-esteem of an individual, and making them feel worthwhile
  • Establishing a place where a patient feels like they belong
  • A safe space that respects a person and their point of view
  • A network that holds each other accountable in a positive way
  • An open place for communication, where honesty is consistent
  • Constructs empathy and connection amongst the people within it
  • Provides positive emotional resonance, such as joy and happiness, as well as a place to work through negative emotions