Spiritual Recovery

A hand gestures towards the viewer.

Spirituality is an important part of recovery. Indeed, there is a reason that the 12-steps, which is the most successful program to combat a form of addiction in human history, is so thoroughly rooted in a spiritual foundation. Without spiritual recovery from addiction, then the rest of the addiction process is doomed to struggle, and relapse is far more likely. It’s important to recognize that we are more than our minds and bodies, but that our souls need the same level of nourishment, if not more.

We help our clients explore their recovery from a spiritual perspective in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

Putting faith in a higher power

A key part of the 12-step program is to put yourself in the hands of a high power; to let yourself go to that higher power. The reason for this is to recognize that doing everything yourself and trying to put the world on your shoulders is like fighting a tidal wave: you’re going to lose. If you can take a step back and recognize that there is a higher power that is there to help you in your journey, then the pressures that are placed on you are greatly reduced.

In this sense, embracing your own smallness is actually incredibly healthy, and that’s the point. Indeed, even an atheist can accept a higher power by embracing this mentality, since a higher power does not necessarily need to be “God,” in this context.

Practicing humility

The ego is the part of ourselves that addiction latches onto, and it is what makes it such a lasting force. If you can let go of your ego and begin to recognize your actions in a context that is outside of yourself, then you have a much better foundation to fight back against addiction. The reason for this is that doing things for yourself is a mindset that is currently plagued by addiction, which rewires the pathways for rewards in your brain. We need to embrace humility and let go of ourselves to truly have a fighting chance at lasting recovery.